A key-logger, or system monitor is a small program that stores all keystokes typed by user on effective systeam. Key logger can sent those logs by FTP and emails. Some keylogger has can do lot more than just recording keystokes.
Now the main reason for this artical is how to protect your system form the effect of keylogger. Keylogger came in form of any file, mostly in .exe file. Keep that in mind that attacker of the file will use social engginering to force you to click on it. You need to be really carefull while reciveing files and attached files form any unknown and know person.
The most common reason, which resulted to effective my keylogger is untrustworthy websites. Thoses site contain key-logger code in them that exploit your browser and cause it to quitly install a keylogger program without you permission. It is not complusery that only trustworthy sites can cause you effective my keylogger there is possiblity that hacker hack any good sites and use it for his own purpose.
Following are some tips which help you defend against keylogger:
- Always use good and updated Antivirus.
- Install firewall. And Don't remain of windows default firewall. Be-leave me it really sucks. Kespersky and comodo filewall works good and it free.
- Keep your system updated.
- Use antikeylogger like Web Watcher and etc. http://www.filehippo.com/software/antimalware/ this will also help you alot.
- Use Antivirus spyware program and install it with updated version.
- Use the updated browser for surfing.
- Always download file with care. If any antivirus give any kind of alert, take serous action about it. And catch that program before it make any damage in your system.